• 518 Martin Luther King Dr.
    Greensboro, AL 36744
  • Tours by appointment only.

civil rights meeting
Welcome to the
Safe House Black History Museum
Safe House Black History Museum sign
Safe House Black History Museum sign


The Safe House Black History Museum is an educational non-profit corporation of Greensboro, AL which has as its mission to preserve the unique culture and history of the rural, black belt south.The museum seeks to achieve its mission through the promotion of African American heritage in the arts, mass media, and history, the promotion of the importance of preserving historic structures and documents, and the promotion of cultural research and documentation.
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FILM: Let Us Praise the Foot Soldiers Who Came Before Us

Let Us Praise the Foot Soldiers Who Came Before Us takes a journey through the experiences of some of the Foot Soldiers that fueled the Civil Rights Movement in Alabama. With vivid first-hand accounts of key events in American history, Unsung Heroes provides a rare perspective into those defining moments through the eyes of those that experienced it.

If you or someone know is a Foot Soldier, we’d love to meet you.

Click here to access our Foot Soldier Contact Form and get in contact with us.

FILM: Let Us Give Praise to the Women Foot Soldiers of Hale County Alabama

Let Us Give Praise the Women Foot Soldiers of Hale County Alabama looks into the experiences of the powerful women Foot Soldiers that fueled the Civil Rights Movement in Hale County, Alabama.

If you or someone know is a Foot Soldier, we’d love to meet you.

Click here to access our Foot Soldier Contact Form and get in contact with us.



On the night of March 21, 1968, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. sought refuge from the Ku Klux Klan inside a small, shotgun-style home in the depot neighborhood of Greensboro, AL. (This occurred just two weeks prior to the assassination of Rev. King in Memphis, TN.) Mrs. Theresa Burroughs, a close friend of the King family and an active participant of the Civil Rights Movement, turned this small shotgun house into the Safe House Black History Museum which documents the local struggle for equality.It contains relics of the period from slavery through the civil rights movement.Displayed at the museum are many unpublished photos of the civil rights struggle in the Black Belt. These include photos of the Greensboro marches, of Bloody Sunday in Selma, and of the triumphant march from Selma to Montgomery.

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518 Martin Luther King Dr.
Greensboro, AL 36744
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You can also support The Safe House Black History Museum by becoming a volunteer. Click the button below to access our Volunteer Information Form.

Alabama African American Civil Rights Heritage Sites Consortium

We are a proud member of the Alabama African American Civil Rights Heritage Sites Consortium, Inc. which is a collaboration among 20 historic places of worship, lodging and civic engagement that played significant roles in the African American struggle for freedom. While recent history focuses on the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s, these institutions have been dedicated to improving the quality of Black life since Reconstruction.

African American Civil Rights Network logo

The Safe House Black History Museum is a member of the African American Civil Rights Network (AACRN) of the National Park Service. A collection of properties, facilities, and programs that offered a comprehensive overview of the people, places, and events associated with the African American civil rights movement. The Network was an opportunity to ensure that the history of the civil rights movement and the sacrifices made by those who fought for its cause are remembered, shared, and commemorated.